Ian and Matthew’s school had a costume parade on Halloween.  I got out of work early to see the parade and help out at Matthew’s Halloween party afterward.

It was a warm day (60s!!) on Halloween but windy and very dreary.  The rain let up for the parade which was awesome.

The 5th graders lead the parade out of the school and around the parking lot.


Soon Ian’s class was coming!

I was doing pictures and video at the same time so (unfortunately) the video suffers from my multitasking.  LOL


When Matthew’s class walked by, he was too cool to acknowledge me.  Little bugger.


After everyone walked the parking lot, they had the kids re-enter the school in reverse order with the older kids lining the path.  I liked that everyone got to see all the costumes and that Matthew and Ian could see each other.



Matthew waving at Ian and checking out the blue guy costume.


After the parade, I went inside to help out at Matthew’s party.

I walked in to see him getting his snacks from the teacher.

Hiding his eyes while his teacher puts a spell on his “Hocus Pocus Punch”.  LOL

Snack time!