I took Matthew in for his 2 month pediatrician appointment this morning (8/20/08).

It was a pretty quick appointment with all of the standard questions and discussion. The only oddball thing that I asked about was Matthew’s gassiness and general stomach-upset-ness (and runny poopy diapers). Just about 2 hours after every bottle, Matthew goes through a period of time where he’s in a lot of pain and does a lot of tooting. Mylicon drops don’t seem to help and he’s just miserable in the middle of these bouts. Its terrible to watch. 🙁

Dr. Tom asked if we had any family history of IBS or lactose-intollerance…funny one, right?! Since there is a history and he is also having soupy diapers, the doctor asked us to try soy formula for a bit. Apparently babies can develop a milk protein sensitivity and the lactose-free soy formula can help. If it seems to help, we’ll keep him on it for a few months. If it doesn’t fix the problem, then we can go back to regular formula.

Other than that, no complaints. Matthew is eating and sleeping great and is a sweet boy.

Matthew got 4 shots today…2 in each leg. Poor guy. He was very upset during the shots but calmed down as soon as I snuggled him. The nurse couldn’t believe how quickly he calmed down! He also got an oral vaccination and drank it like a champ!

We go back in 2 months for his next well child visit!

Here are the stats:

2mo: 24.25 inches (85th percentile)
1mo: 23.25 inches (89th percentile)
birth: 21.0 inches

Matthew is in the 85th percentile for length which is consistent with the 89th percentile he was at 1 month.

2mo: 13lbs 1oz (75th percentile)
1mo: 10lbs 4oz (50th percentile)
birth: 8lbs 8oz

Matthew is in the 75th percentile for weight. Last month we was roughly in the 50th percentile so it looks like he might be a bit of a chunky monkey. Still, he is proportional in size, you know?