The next day in NYC was another full day but didn’t start as early.  We were able to sleep in a bit and start the day slower which was definitely needed.

We planned to spend the day at the American Museum of Natural History but it wasn’t open when we arrived.  We walked across the street to Central Park to wait while the museum opened.

Matthew checking out a bug on the walk-way.

After a bit of playing, we went back to the museum.  I think Matthew was a little overwhelmed with the giant fossils in the lobby (which are absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to photograph).

We had tickets to see a movie at the planetarium pretty much first thing so we headed over to that area.  Ian was absolutely in love with all the stuff in the gift shop outside the theater (shocker).

Matthew was absolutely TERRIFIED of the movie we went to which was a bit traumatic for all of us.  He was sobbing and begging to leave but we were really far from the exit.  We survived and while walking out, with tears still on his face, he claimed it to be the “best movie ev-uh!”  LOL

More exploring in the planetarium…

After a quick but extremely expensive lunch in the cafeteria, we went in search of dinosaur bones!

Matthew was more interested in socializing with other children than he was in the dinosaurs.

Ian was more interested in playing with the computerized exhibit thingys than he was in the dinosaurs.

Talking the ear off this girl and completely ignoring the really cool dinosaur standing next to him.

Awww!  Little baby!

Mass chaos in the T-Rex room!

Ian was being a massive brat at this point…because all he wanted to do is go back to the gift shop and buy a science experiment kit.  LOL

I was there!

Ian was super excited to see bald eagles at the museum since he knew that they are the “bird of the USA” LOL

We tried to get the boys to watch “Night at the Museum” to get them excited for our trip to the museum.  They really didn’t watch much of the movie but were completely humored by this Easter Island head.  I kept saying “Dum Dum want some Gum Gum!!!” like the head says in the movie and they just laughed and laughed.  🙂

The boys posing in front of a cross section of a 1300-year old giant sequoia just makes me want to go to Sequoia National Park in California.

Dancing under the giant blue whale.  They got in trouble for dancing here, believe it or not.  (Why does NYC hate children?!?!?!? LOL)

After this, we couldn’t take the nagging any more so we got some stuff from the gift shop and then headed back to Central Park to let the boys blow off some steam.


Leaving Central Park proved to be a little more than Matthew could handle and he basically threw a collosal fit.

Exhibit A:  Matthew being difficult and Michael ready to throw my camera on the subway tracks Russell Brand-style.  LOL

Exhibit B:  Matthew sitting on the floor in protest.  LOL

Given all the nagging, whining, and fit throwing, we weren’t overly surprised when BOTH boys immediately fell asleep on the subway.  LOL

After a short rest at the hotel, we drove to my friend Lauren’s house for dinner with her family.  I might be biased but I think we have the cutest boys ever.  🙂

We had a lot of fun but it ended up being a late night.  I wish we could have spent more time together!