(all pictures from July)

I bet you’re all at the edge of your seats, waiting for a garden update. Right?!?!?!

Well, it was a bit of a disappointing year.

We had way too many issues with the rabbit at the start. They ended up eating a bunch of stuff before we got the fence situation resolved. By the time we planted replacements, it was too late in the season and the replacements never really produced anything.

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We got TONS of tomatoes. More tomatoes than we could even eat.

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The cherry tomatoes were out of control. Next year, I think I’ll plant at least 2 fewer plants (10, instead of 12). We love cherry tomatoes but we just couldn’t stay on top of them.

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We got a good amount of zucchini but nothing ever came from the butternut squash, onions (planted too late), and potatoes (planted too late).

We currently have a watermelon growing in the garden. I can’t think of anything to compare it to size-wise but I’m not sure it’s going to be edible. It’s so late in the season at this point and it’s not yet full size.

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Despite what you see above, our corn plants were a big fat disappointment. Even though they look AWESOME here, the plants died off in August for no apparent reason. This is the second year I’ve tried to grown corn without success. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Too much water? Not enough water? Too much sun? Too little sun? Improper soil pH? Who the heck knows!

In summary, I seem to have a green thumb with tomatoes but that’s about it. We’ll keep trying since I still enjoy the process but I might try more from seeds. Unfortunately, I need to figure out a way to start more seed indoors. We don’t get enough direct sunlight in the winter/spring months to be able to fill the garden up.