I had to get this one in writing because I’m sure he won’t do it for long and I don’t want to forget about it.

Ian is obsessed with brushes. Tooth brushes, hair brushes, makeup brushes. If its a brush, he MUST have it. We don’t mind encouraging the brush obsession because we figure it can only do good. Maybe he’ll turn out to be a dentist, hair stylist or makeup artist. 🙂

We really try to encourage the tooth brush interest by getting Ian some super-cool Matchbox cars tooth brushes! The tooth brush is child-sized and has a CAR at the end of the handle. What could be better, right???

Ian has also discovered that tooth paste goes on the brush and he knows just where we keep it. He’ll retreive his brush, go grab the paste and hand them both to us in his little grunting way. As if there was any confusion on what he needed us to do. I mean, do we really need the grunting? 🙂

He’s gotten pretty demanding on getting paste put on his brush. Once he does, he proceeds to suck it off. A little gross but hey, we figure its better for his teeth than a sucker, right?

The best part of the ENTIRE thing is when he BLOWS ON THE BRUSH before putting it in his mouth. Like “I’ve got a hot spoonful of soup” blowing. Its hysterical.

So far we haven’t managed to get the blowing on tape. We tried this morning and this is what I got instead: