Here’s a post of complete and utter randomness…

1. After making 18 blog posts last week, I’m a little burnt out by the blog. Don’t expect to see much this week as I haven’t really picked up the camera and haven’t done much during the week.

2. I don’t think I’ve mentioned it but I’m going to be out of town for work next week doing a short stint as a helper monkey for our corporate Internal Audit department.

3. I hate traveling for work and hate doing auditing even more but am putting on a happy face because A) doing what they tell me to do makes my mortgage company happy and B) I get a one-week break from Mommy-ville. Just in time because….

4. Ian is KILLING me. KILLING. It takes roughly 2 hours to get him to go to bed. This obviously means Mike and I are not getting our nightly, kid-free downtime (aka A Break) but it also means Ian’s not getting enough sleep.

5. Have you ever met a 3 year old? Do you remember how overly dramatic and temperamental they are? Now please imagine an over-tired 3 year old. Today he screamed (literally) and cried (literally) from the second he woke up until he was delivered into Grammy’s arms. Do you know how much fun it is to try to get to work on time while dealing with that sort of chaos? SUPER FUN!!!!

6. I want to point out, I was being REALLY sarcastic right there with that “super fun” bit. 😉

7. I’m thinking of outlawing naps in this house….maybe Ian would go to sleep easier if he didn’t get an afternoon nap. I’m just a little concerned with running into the issue in item #5.

8. On a lighter note, we’ve gotten 4 dozen cherry tomatoes and 5 big beefsteak-sized tomatoes from our garden so far! We get just about a dozen ripe cherry tomatoes every night.

9. I’ve been forced to hide the fruits of our garden labors in the frig out in the garage. Every time Ian sees a cherry tomato in the house, he HAS to have them. In fact, I have to hide them from him when I wash them….he LOVES them. Its a good problem to have but its kind of funny. 🙂

9. I trimmed back our pumpkin plants a bit a couple of days ago. The plants have huge vine-y leaves and they kind of take over everything. Unfortunately, they were smothering my cucumber plants. Since I gave the cucumbers a little space, I found 3 little cucumber buds! Yay!!!

10. All this rainy weather is starting to negatively impact the garden. The leaves on my tomato plants are starting to yellow. I’m not sure if it is the soft, soggy ground or the size/weight of the branches but the plants also seem to be tipping over. The tomato cages are all leaning and won’t stay in the ground. Since it started when the endless rain STARTED, I’m blaming the rain. 🙂 Mike picked up some dowel rods so I’m hoping to be able stop the leaning. No matter what, we definitely need some warm, sunny weather to dry things out.

11. I don’t think I mentioned it on the blog but Matthew took his first steps in Muncie (Fri July 17th). He just decided to walk across the room….we couldn’t believe it! He’s really gotten the hang of walking down and it won’t be long before he gives up on crawling all together!

12. Yesterday was Courtney and Jonathan’s 3 year wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary!

13. Even when he drives me bonkers, I still love the snot out of this boy!

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