We decided to go strawberry picking with the boys just like LAST YEAR. I’m not so sure it was as much fun…I was getting over being really sick and it was really hot and muddy. We got some yummy strawberries so I can’t complain too much. πŸ™‚

Heading out to go picking:

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Mike and the boys:

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Picking strawberries:

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Notice Matthew eating a berry:

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He actually ate a lot less this year. Remember LAST YEAR? LOL

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I call this the “We are NEVER coming back again” look:

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Happy Father’s Day!

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After strawberry picking, we stopped at my parent’s house to drop off some Father’s Day cards and some fruit.

I had to take the annual Father’s Day picture, of course!

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Celebrating Father’s Day with Mike’s family…

Since Matthew’s birthday was the day before, we also had a little birthday celebration. Checking out the cool presents:

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Playing Play Doh with Grandma:

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Ian playing with the water guns:

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Checking out the…um…I have no idea what these are called. 4-wheeler? LOL

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Mike and his dad, hanging out:

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Hi, Grandpa!

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2 Comments on Father’s Day

  1. Lauren says:

    HOW does Mike allow Matthew to OWN a hat like that, let alone wear it?!

  2. Amanda says:

    LOL We bought it after Ian started tball. Matthew wanted a hat like his big brother. πŸ™‚