So I don’t forget…

-Wants to eat when he wants to eat. Don’t stand between him and his bottle. Or it gets ugly. See Exhibit A.

-Eats a lot. A lot. 6 ounce at each feeding. Without breathing between gulps.

-OK, that was an exageration. 🙂 But he really is eating 6 ounce bottles!

-Is wearing 3-6 month onesies already because he’s so long. Going to be tall just like Daddy and Ian!

-Has his momma’s double (triple?) chins and chubby legs. See Exhibits B and C.

-Is a VERY good sleeper and in this week alone slept through the night 4 times. Might I remind you that Ian only slept through the night 2 times in the first 15 months?!?

-Loves his momma. A lot. He just loves looking at me. And would like to be held constantly, if it were possible.

-Smiles some adorable grins. Daddy doesn’t believe me because he hasn’t seen one yet. But that boy can grin. See Exhibit D. 🙂

Exhibit A:
Stupid momma taking pictures instead of feeding Matthew. Bad momma!!!

Exhibit B:
Multiple chins…and has anyone seen his neck?!?!

Exhibit C:
Chubby boy

Exhibit D:
Tail-end of a giant grin at his momma….Daddy is FINALLY starting to believe me. 🙂

I sure do love that boy. 🙂