We decided to go to Niagara Falls tonight and play tourists for a little while.

As is typical with anything we do these days, it was a comedy of errors. I get Matthew out of his carseat and discover a poopy diaper blowout (which explains why Matthew is wearing a sleeper in the pictures). Lovely stuff to deal with when you’re 20 minutes away from home and a long time away from going back.

After we get both kids loaded up and head towards the falls, we discover Ian loves riding in his stroller so much that unfortunately he doesn’t really appreciate us stopping to take pictures or to look around. Always gotta be on the move.

[insert big eye roll here]

Mike and I managed to have fun and get some good pictures despite the two little stinkers.

Flag at Terrapin Point:

Mike and the impatient one at Terrapin Point:

Yankees fan or Cubs fan, you decide:

Me with a THRILLED Ian and a sleeping Matthew:

What Ian really wanted to at the Falls…get down on the ground and play cars. Yes, he’s LITERALLY right beside the Falls and couldn’t care less:

We had a good time and we’ll have to go back again soon!