Well, Ian Michael. You’re 20 months old today. Where, oh where, has the time gone?

This month you’ve turned into a **major** lover boy. You have perfected the art of smooching. You blow kisses like a 1st grader. You pucker up like an expert. The writing is on the wall, you are going to be QUITE the heartbreaker when you get older.

In the past, when we asked for kisses, it was hit or miss on whether you’d actually cooperate. We’d be lucky to get 1 kiss a day. These days, you throw yourself at us. Flinging kisses left and right. I can get 4 kisses every time I put you in or take you out of the carseat.

You kiss everybody. You kiss everything. It seems like that would cheapen it a bit but it doesn’t…nothing can take away from your little kisses.

Me and daddy live for those kisses. Love you punkin.