
So I don’t forget…..

-Ian’s recently decided he likes dancing. He’ll bring me over to the radio so I can start some music.

-Nearly all cars and trucks have become “cool cars” and “cool trucks”.

-Apparently he doesn’t get enough attention…I heard “Everyone! Look at ME!” come out of his mouth the other day.

-He really likes practicing his “munners” (numbers) at dinner because I recently bought some preschool/teacher posters for our dining room wall. He has made some great progress and has mastered 91-100 (even though he doesn’t know 31-90). haha

-Is a parrot and repeats EVERYTHING.

-Talks constantly.

-Yelled “Hey Mike!” today when he needed help getting a toy down. 🙂

-Said “I love you, momma!” to me last night at bedtime…completley unprompted. 🙂

I just love that kid. 🙂