For as much as Matthew is my easy going, happy, lovable little boy, he can be SUCH trouble maker. He finds ways to get into trouble that Ian (at 4) hasn’t managed to discover.

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Matthew instigates fights with Ian by literally pushing him around. He can be found standing up on and/or dancing on top of our end tables, coffee table or even the dining room table and chairs. He pretty much will climb on anything that has a remotely flat surface. He’ll eat ANYTHING that he finds on the ground/floor so we have to be obsessive about keeping the floor clean. Despite that, we still are constantly fishing stuff out of his mouth. He uses his jaws of steal to gnaw on and break toys so we’re constantly having to throw out stuff he’s chewed up. He opens cabinet doors and drawers and loves to pull everything out.

He is, quite simply, one of those kids that you can’t take your eyes off of because the second you do, he’s managed to get a hold of something you swore you just put on top of the frig. (And it will likely have spit and teeth marks all over it by the time you get it away from him.)
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Last Wednesday night, I was holding him after he ate dinner and he was messing with his nose (sticking his finger in his nose, a lovely behavior he learned from Ian). I pulled his finger out and thought I saw a booger inside.

He’s got a bit of a cold and tends to get crusted over so I did a typical mom thing and stuck my pinky finger nail in his nose to clean him out. Lo and behold: OUT CAME A PIECE OF CARROT!!!! A short while later, I thought something else might be in there and indeed, I fished out a second piece.

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A couple of weekends back, we took the boys out to play in the snow. When we came back inside, we took Matthew’s pants off because they were wet. A short while later, he went down for his afternoon nap in just a tshirt and diaper. Guess what we found after naptime?

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Saturday, I had to repeatedly pull him off this matchbox car racing ramp at the children’s musuem.

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I swear to God that child is going to take years off my life. Good thing he’s so darn adorable. 🙂

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1 Comment on Little Rascal

  1. Lauren says:

    OMG! That tooshie!! He's so cute!