I have to leave mid-day Sunday to go out of town for work. We will be driving down to Nemacolin Woodlands Resort for finance conferences with accounting staff from all of our subsidiaries as well as our parent company’s subsidiaries.

I’d love to schedule some posts and pictures to auto-publish to the blog while I’m gone but I lack the time and energy to make that happen. Because we’re in the middle of a huge software conversion at work, all my energy has been spent at work or getting ready for this [extremely-poorly-timed] conference. In the case of today, I spent my evening entertaining a coworker that flew in from Singapore.

So…basically…I got nuttin’ for you all while I’m gone. I should be back at some point on Wednesday evening and I’m hoping to get some computer time to at least prepare a Flashback Friday post for Friday morning. No promises though!

Here’s my sweet Ian from this morning. We took the boys for haircuts and Ian got a little gel for a big boy ‘do. πŸ™‚

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