(Still working on catching up!)

Mother’s Day weekend happened to coincide with our big software conversion at work. As a result, I was working all day Saturday and unsure if I’d be working on Sunday. Not only was I putting in long hours but it was very stressful at work. Needless to say, I was really hoping to NOT have to work Sunday.

Thankfully, the cross over into the new system went well enough that I didn’t need to work on Mother’s Day. When I left Saturday evening, I was very glad to get a day off.

And I was BEYOND happy when I came home to the biggest surprise yet: the house all decorated for Mother’s Day! Mike knew that I was exhausted and in need of a big pick-me-up. While I was at work, he worked with the boys to make a banner for the dining room and a few other crafts. Matthew wasn’t too into the whole thing but still managed to make his mark. 😉 Ian was so proud of his work that he literally told Mike over and over “Mommy’s going to be SO PROUD OF ME!!!” And I was!

We ended up doing presents and cards on Saturday because Ian was so excited. And on Sunday, we woke up and had our special holiday breakfast (Breakfast Casserole and Party Potatoes). What a wonderful weekend! I sure do love my boys!!!


Matthew has a hard time finding the blank paper in front of him:
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Cutting letters out of construction paper:
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Little artists!
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More cutting:
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The finished banner (he was SO PROUD):
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Love this boy:
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Present from preschool (card/collage of pictures from school):
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Ian posing with the school present (you can see Matthew’s art work on the wall too):
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The card that Ian and Matthew picked out (it played music):
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Ian signed their names:
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A funny note: We STILL have the Mother’s Day banner on the wall 2 months later. AND, Ian will still periodically greet me with “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY” at the top of his lungs. LOL