“They” say you take significantly fewer pictures of your second child. Who “they” is, I have no idea…but what “they” say is true. Unfortunately. 🙁

I swore it wouldn’t be true for me.

I swore I’d take a bazillion and a half pictures of my newest guy.

And I’d like to. I really would. Believe me, I’d LOVE to.

The part that “they” left out was that the reason you take fewer pictures is because you have fewer hands free and available to take pictures at any given moment.

With one adult wrangling a two year old and the other adult wrangling an infant…there just aren’t as many opportunities to grab the camera and snap pictures.

I hope one day Matthew will forgive me for slacking on picture-taking. And in the meantime, thank GOD for Grammy Jones and her camera. 🙂