After Ian’s spectacular performance at his 18mo well child visit (if you’ve forgotten, check out this link:, I was hoping for a much calmer 2yo visit.

Hoping. Yes. Getting? Not so much.

His drs appt this morning pretty much went the same as the 18mo appt. He’s Mr. Personality the entire time we were in the waiting room and examining room w/ the nurse.

And then they force him to get on the “scale of doom”. I’ve been talking to him about this appt but I just don’t think he understood what the heck I was saying and the scale scared the bajesus out of him.

He refused to stand on the big boy scale. Wigged OUT. Screaming. Doing the “jello legs” thing and refusing to stand.

So the nurse puts him on the baby scale. Which is cold (he hates being cold) and is also, apparently, terrifying.

Once the fit started….there was no stopping it. He pretty much screamed for the duration of our visit. Well over 30 mins btw waiting for the dr to come in, the drs visit, getting dresssed and back out the door.

We got the normal questions as well as a few new ones:
Does he know body parts? Some
Does he say 2 word sentences? Rarely
Jumping yet? Nope
Potty training yet? Nope (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!??!)

His speech seems fairly normal. Of course, this was all based off of our description since Little Man Tink was SCREAMING the entire time. Dr said to keep an eye out for continuous improvement and if we feel he isn’t progressing steadily or even regressing to give them a call for an EI analysis. I thought that was a reasonable direction to take. I think in the last month or so he’s improved a TON.

Head banging during tantrums is normal and for attention. It will eventually stop….

Ian had to have a finger prick to test his hemoglobin and iron levels. Not a happy camper but then, he’d already been screaming for HOURS, ok maybe 25 mins.

We don’t have to go back until he’s 3yo or if we think he needs to be seen before then…..lets hope the scale isn’t quite so scary next year.

Ian was:
weight: 28lbs 6oz (55th percentile)
height: 37.5 inches (>97th percentile)
head: 82nd percentile

Long, lean and a giant head. Pretty much the same story since he was born. 🙂