I haven’t forgotten you, dear blog reader. We’ve just been busy.

We had 2 full days of “stuff” all weekend long. I have pictures to share but I haven’t spent more than 30 mins at the computer in the last 5 days and they haven’t even been pulled off the memory card. Soon. I promise. Soon.

We’ve had a couple full days at work this week and evenings filled with “stuff”. Monday, immediately after work we had an appointment with the owner of a babysitting service. Tuesday, I felt awful all day long. (I think that covers it. Translation: what day is it again?)

And, last but not least, 3 months of dorky-as-all-get-out baseball stats accumulating and analyzing is coming to a head this weekend when Mike heads into some life or death fantasy baseball drafts. ::: insert overly dramatic eye rolls here ::: LOL He has one draft Friday night and the other Sunday afternoon. Hopefully, once we get past those, life can continue on in the bizarre manner it usually continues on.

3 Comments on Blog Absence

  1. Lauren says:

    Thanks for the update – I miss your posts/pics! 🙂 (Though I shouldn't talk, lol)

  2. Amanda says:

    This is your husband posting!!! First off, it hasn't been 3 months; more of a continuous annual process that peeks in February & March. And for the most part I "study" when you're sleeping (like right now) or busy with something else. Hopefully one day I'll have two boys interested enough to help me with my lifelong battle with baseball research.

  3. Amanda says:

    LOL. Dork!!!!!!!!!!