We’re currently demo-ing and remodeling our half bath. Here’s a before. A waaaay before. Like, a during the home inspection in May 2005 before. Apparenlty I don’t take many pictures of the smallest bathroom on Earth. 😉

house 03

For those of you who haven’t been in it, you can actually touch all four walls when you stand in the middle of the room. Tiny doesn’t cover just how small it is!

I’ll post after shots as soon as we’re done. 🙂 Hopefully we’ll be done before Matthew’s birthday party!

And on a related note:
I know I’ve promised a lot of “after” shots of the various projects we’re doing and I know I’m promising yet another one. I SWEAR, when we actually FINISH a project, I’ll post pictures of it. Right now, I’ve got a lot of unfinished projects that are in varying stages of almost-done. When they’re REALLY done, I’ll take some pictures. 🙂