Longest. Appointment. Ever. I sat in the waiting room for an hour and then in the examinig room for another 30 minutes. Don’t they know they can’t keep a pregnant woman’s bladder on hold for an hour?!?!?!

I had a 10am appt for an ultrasound and then afterward, my normal checkup. I get there and checked in at 10am. The ultrasound tech takes me back pretty quickly and does my ultrasound. The ultrasound was ordered because I’ve been measuring big for a while now. They just wanted to get an estimate on the baby size and check my amniotic fluid level.

After my ultrasound, they sent me back to the waiting room to wait for my normal appointment. So, I waited. And waited. And waited some more. I thought my bladder was going to burst.

After an hour of waiting, I finally got called back to an examining room. Where I waited. And waited. And waited some more. 🙂 After 30 minutes, the doctor came in and told me the results of the ultrasound.

The good news is, baby is head down. 🙂

The “bad” news is, the baby is H-U-G-E! The ultrasound tech’s measurements put the baby at 6 POUNDS 11 OUNCES! At 34w! Apparently the baby and my stomach are both measuring to be 36w6d! They did say I do have a “good amount” of amniotic fluid so thats part of it too…..

The doctor asked how big Ian was when he was born and I told her 7lbs 8oz.

I asked her, in her experience, what was the likelyhood of having this baby early like Ian was…like, do #2 babies tend to come super close to the due date when #1 came early? (aka please God don’t make me be pregnant for 6 more weeks!)

She asked me how early he was and when I told her 3 weeks early I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. haha

She said she thought he was 7.5lbs @ roughly 40 weeks, not 37! 🙂

She said that I could very well go early and that I might just “make” babies that develop big and fast and then decide they want the heck out. She said to not be overly surprised if I went early again and to pack my hospital bag. But, at the same time, I really should be mentally prepared to go to my due date. I thinks its already a lost cause on that….I think when I hit 37 weeks, I’m going to be on baby watch full time.

I asked about something to take for my god-awful heartburn. She told me I could take Zantac or Pepcid. And another one but I can’t remember what it was now.

I told her about the contractions I had felt the previous Saturday and she told me if they start coming every 5 mins for an hour to call. Or to call if they seem to be getting progressively stronger or painful. Just to use my judgment. I felt like a dork asking but I’m in uncharted territory here. I didn’t have any contractions prior to my water breaking with Ian and I couldn’t remember what I had been told in my childbirth class over 2 years ago. 🙂

Heartbeat was 143 (u/s) -152 (doppler).
BP was good and lower than last time, I think 124/70?
No protein or sugar in my urine.
Gained 2lbs in 2 weeks and got another compliment on my weight gain.