IMG_6651 web

-runs when he knows he’s being bad.
-throws when he’s got something he shouldn’t.
-went diaper diving on Saturday morning.
-had a diaper full of poop.
-smeared poop all over himself and sprinkled it throughout the playroom.
-had a ball of poop in his hand when caught.
-threw the poop and ran.
-made his father do an emergency scrub down in the bathtub that included a thorough mouth cleaning.
-made his mother do an Easter-Egg-hunt-type of search on her hands and knees for poop.
-makes his parents insane but fills their hearts with love and joy.
-will never, ever, ever live down this incident. EVER.

3 Comments on This boy

  1. Lauren says:

    I'm sorry, but this is the funniest thing I've ever read. Well, funny 'cause it's not me. 😉

  2. Yeah, Im a copycat....SO! says:

    lmao! That is hilarious

  3. Kandys says:

    Oh no! Unfortunately I've had that exact same thing happen with Seth and Aiden(at different times). They both thought it was funny.