Saturday, we attended Brooke and Kyle’s wedding. Kyle is my cousin and is the son of my dad’s sister Janice.

Brooke and Kyle’s wedding was beautiful. We particularly loved the slide show of pictures at the end of the ceremony.




The reception afterward was great. Dinner was delicious and the location was gorgeous.

I don’t have a ton of pictures because I was pretty busy keeping Matthew out of trouble. All of the kids at the reception were running up and down an open corridor at the back of the room and Matthew was having fun with them. He was desperately trying to keep up with them. He did a pretty good job keep up considering he was crawling around after a bunch of running kids. Unfortunately, we had to stay close to make sure he didn’t get trampled by the stampede of kids. That, and to make sure he didn’t eat garbage off the ground, play with electrical cords, escape from the room, etc, etc, etc. Needless to say, it was a workout keeping him out of trouble. 🙂

Ian had a WONDERFUL time playing with all of the kids (and this is true of our whole trip, not just the reception). He latched onto one little girl and just followed her around like a puppy dog. It was adorable. He also spent a TON of time on the dance floor…as in, he LITERALLY danced to every single song. 🙂 Needless to say, he enjoyed himself immensely.

Here is a picture of Ian and his girlfriend, Victoria, on the dance floor. Ian’s wearing a blue and green striped polo shirt. Victoria is standing beside him in blue dress and has blond hair.


Dancing with Nick and Aunt Rachel:

Mom and Rachel on the dance floor:

The only reason I have any pictures from the reception…Matthew fell asleep on me and Mike took him back to the table:

Back at the hotel and in his travel bed, Matthew was tuckered out from all the racing around: