One of the things I really, really wanted to do this summer was go “camping”.

(Okay. What I really wanted to do was sleep in a tent in the backyard with Ian. And on an air mattress. I’m not so interested in REAL camping. Momma likes running water, electricity, toilets and the other comforts of home far too much to go REAL camping!)

Aunt Rachel got Matthew a really nice tent for his birthday this year so when the long July 4th weekend rolled around, we decided to put it to good use!

Early in the evening, we all helped build the tent and get the air mattress ready.

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Testing out the tent and air mattress:

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After a quick dinner out, we came home and began gearing up for a camp fire, s’mores, ladder golf and chit chat with the family.

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We played a little game of pick up baseball. Since Matthew is too little to sleep in the tent and be around the camp fire, we let him bat a few extra times:

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The fire is lit!

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It was a little smokey at first but we still enjoyed it!

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Dad and Mike putting on the “roof”:

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All ready for us to sleep outside!

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A little chit chat…

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…then it’s time for s’mores!

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Ian was NOT amused by the toasted marshmallow! LOL

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Showing Daddy:

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That’s okay…a s’more with a plain, untoasted marshmallow will do just fine!

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Good stuff!

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The expert S’more Chef, Aunt Rachel!

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Time for ladder golf!

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Almost time for bed!!!

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After about 3 dozen trips in and out of the house for various things and potty breaks, Ian and I finally got settled in the tent. Since it was the big holiday weekend, we heard lots of fireworks and parties going on that night and had a bit of trouble getting to sleep. Overall, the night was a lot of fun. Hopefully we’ll get to do this more frequently!

1 Comment on Our big, huge camping adventure!!! {another catch up post}

  1. Lauren says:

    This looks like so much fun!! And I can't believe how grown up Ian looks. And now I really want a fire pit.