What is with the Buffalo Zoo turning into an annual Samulski Family nightmare?!?!

So, for the third year in a row, Mike and I decided to pack Ian up for a “fun” trip to the zoo. For those of you who many not remember the last two visits, Year 1 (2006) was the year Ian slept the entire time we were there. Not that bad. But, kind of a disappointment. Year 2 (2007), we went with the Colombos. In THEORY this was a good idea, but it really was only so-so. Ian pretty much fought the stroller the whole time and wanted NOTHING to do with the animals. I’m not entirely sure he was even aware that we were there with another family. 🙂

So, we figure, 3rd times a charm, right? WRONG!

We walked in and went right to the sea lion exhibit. Ian loved that. He really enjoyed watching the “wish” in the water and ran back and forth to see the sea lions swim under the bridge he was on.

But that was pretty much it. Definitely NOT worth the $25 we spent on admission and parking.

We spent the rest of the visit trying to point out animals while Ian tried to climb into random strangers wagons. Or, climbed on railings. Or, tried to hitch a ride on the train. Or, do a million other things that received a “NO!” from Evil Mom and Evil Dad. Aaaaah, the life of a two year old…..

We did see the baby rhino…which was adorable. I put a picture below. We didn’t see the 2 baby tigers but that may be due to Ian’s collosal fit versus the tigers not being on exhibit. 😉

Hopefully year #4 goes better! Here’s to 2009!!!