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My name is: Matthew Robert

Mommy and Daddy’s special name for me: Sassifrass, Sassy, Tynes, Sassy-Tynes, Sweet Sassy Tynes, Sasser-sauce, Sassery-dassery-dock

My age: 18 months

My height: 33.94 inches (90th percentile)

My weight: 28 pounds, 0 ounces (75th percentile)

My biggest accomplishments in the last 6 months: Learning to walk and starting to talk. Mommy says I’ve decided to embrace my mischievous side and become a bit of a trouble maker.

When I grow up, I want to be: I’m not sure yet. I really love toys I can chew on. Maybe I’ll be a food critic? 😉

My favorite foods are: All of them. I’ll eat ANYTHING. Even non-food items. 🙂 I love juice, cheese, diced fruit, chicken nuggets, pasta, potatoes, hot dogs. The list goes on and on. There are very few foods that I don’t love.

I don’t like to eat: See the last question. 😉

My favorite toys are: Anything that I can shove in my mouth, cars, toys I can chew pieces off of.

My favorite “toys” of Mommy and Daddy’s are: Mommy’s phone, remote controls, the car keys, anything they’ve tried to put out of reach, the contents of the entertainment stand, the water in the toilet bowl, toilet paper. I really love getting into stuff they try to keep away from me. I guess that goes back to the mischievous thing Mommy talks about sometimes.

My favorite books are: Mommy doesn’t let me play with them much because she says books aren’t for eating.

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My favorite things to do outside are: take walks with Papaw, run away from Mommy and Daddy, I’m not sure what else since it’s been a while since I could play outside.

My favorite things to do inside are: chase Ian, be chased by Ian, gnaw on my toys, and watch Little Einsteins.

My favorite things to do with Daddy: Splash in the bath

My favorite things to do with Mommy: Snuggle and hug

My vocabulary includes: Dada, thanks, bye, see ya, juice, bites, pat, blast off, dance, eyes, there it/he is, yay, whoa, down, go, no, yes, we did it, walk, night night, jump, ready-set-go, one-two-three-go

I don’t say as much as my big brother did at 18 months but that’s okay!

I like to “help” Mommy around the house by: Pulling out every single toy and making a giant mess!

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When we travel I like to go: to Virginia to see Aunt Courtney, Uncle Jonathan and Andrew.

My favorite music to listen to on our road trips (or any other time in the car) is: whatever Mommy is listening to. I don’t care too much.

Right now I’m learning how to: feed myself with utensils, put things down without throwing them, and hear the word “no” without having a tantrum. Pretty hard stuff to do! All the same things my big brother was learning too!

I get very happy and excited when: Mommy & Daddy come home from work each night, snuggling with my blankets, watching Little Einsteins, eating dinner, drinking juice, and playing with Papaw.

I get mad when: Mommy & Daddy say “no” and when I have to wait too long for food.

I get scared when: I hear someone say “no” loud. It makes me really sad.

The best part about being a year and a half old is: being loved by so many people.

During the next year I hope to: Learn to say Momma and Grammy. Meet another cousin. Stop growing up so fast. My mommy put that last one in there for her. 🙂

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Comments from the Mommy:
Matthew had his 18 month pictures about a month ago. The pictures above are some of the shots we got. Isn’t he adorable? 🙂 I call that 3rd picture his “bowl full of jelly” shot. It kind of fits since these were taken on Christmas Eve. 🙂

We took Matthew to his 18mo pediatrician appointment about a week and a half ago. He was REALLY good during the appointment. I think that was mostly because it coincided with his morning nap time and he felt pretty easy-going. He snuggled pretty much the entire time we sat in the examining room. He weighed in at 28lbs even (75th percentile) and 33.94 inches (90th percentile). He got the last of his vaccinations and his H1N1 booster shot. We go back in 6 months!

Can’t believe he’s already 18 months old! (19 months since I got this posted a month late!)