We’re 12 hours into it and so far, only 4 accidents (2 pee, 2 poop). Ian knows what he needs to do but the jury is out on whether he’d ever bother pottying without being asked.

Ian gets 5 M&Ms for going pee-pee on the potty. 1 M&M for sitting on the potty and trying. And we have a bazillion matchbox cars accumulated as a prize for going poopy on the potty.

I made the mistake of showing him the bucket o’ cars to emphasize that he gets a really awesome prize if he goes poopy on the potty. Since then, all he’s done is beg for cars. We’ve said over and over and over and over that he’ll get one if he goes poopy on the potty but I’m not sure he’s hearing anything besides “no”. I’m afraid he’s still going to poop his pants tomorrow. 🙁

Trying to keep a baby happy and asking a 3 year old every 5 minutes if he needs to go potty is exhausting. In addition, Ian never napped today so he’s really cranky. It’s been a long day and I wish it was bedtime for ME. 🙁

Here’s hoping that he poops in the potty tomorrow so we can give him a frickin’ car and he’ll stop begging.