I took Matthew in for his 4 month pediatrician appointment yesterday (10/20/08). It was a pretty quick appointment with all of the standard questions and discussion.

I asked about solids and the dr said we can start giving him cereal if 40oz/day isn’t cutting it. We’ll prob start this weekend once I’m sure we don’t have any reactions to the shots he got. He ended up taking 50oz yesterday and is regularly taking 48oz so, I think its time.

Matthew got 3 shots and 1 oral (rotovirus) vaccine…he got mad but cheered up fairly quickly. He was back to his usual sweet self by the time I got to the reception desk and made his next appointment.

The doctor was pretty amused by how happy and chatty Matthew was while we were talking about starting solids. He was drooling up a storm and blowing bubbles…I told him it was b/c we were talking about Matthew’s favorite subject (food). 😉

We go back in 2 months for his next well child visit, vaccines and flu shot.

Here are the stats:

4mo: 27.0 inches (well above the 97th percentile)
2mo: 24.25 inches (85th percentile)
1mo: 23.25 inches (89th percentile)
birth: 21.0 inches

Ian and Matthew were the exact same length at their two and four month appointments. Looks like I’m going to have another tall boy!

4mo: 16lbs 13oz (81st percentile)
2mo: 13lbs 1oz (75th percentile)
1mo: 10lbs 4oz (50th percentile)
birth: 8lbs 8oz

He’s a chubby little thing…and still weighs more than Ian did at the same age. It will be interesting to see if he thins out at all when he starts crawling…