Amanda on January 18th, 2011

The tree as it appeared after Santa visited: A terrible picture of Ian holding the one gift he asked for over and over and over (and has yet to watch): After we got all the presents under the tree opened, we moved down to the BIG surprise in the playroom: Ian and Daddy checking out […]

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Amanda on January 14th, 2011

Ian watching Aunt Rachel play a video game…he still does this. πŸ™‚January 2007

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Amanda on January 10th, 2011

We went to see Santa one more time on Christmas Eve with Andrew and Kaitlyn then spent the rest of the day playing. After naps, we headed over to mom and dad’s for dinner! This year, all 3 boys sat at the kids table in the kitchen. LOL After supper, everyone went to Christmas Eve […]

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Amanda on January 7th, 2011

Ian and MommyOctober 2006

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Amanda on January 6th, 2011

This bad boy is going in the baby book! LOL ο»Ώ

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